Saturday, December 18, 2010

This whole Wikileaks thing…

So, I haven’t blogged in a while and one of the stories that keeps coming up other than movies I want to see and Christmas ideas has been WikiLeaks.  It seems that a lot of governments around the world have become scared or aggressive toward WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange.  So far most of the things he has posted haven’t been that Earth-shattering to me, but they have been pretty intense as far as foreign relations go.  I’m pretty sure that President Obama has had Hil-dawg on a non-stop tour to try and curb this whole thing by talking with diplomats and making them calm even though the world is finding out most of poorer countries dirty little secrets.

I don’t know what Julian Assange could be accomplishing with this other than revealing the truth.  I mean let’s think for a minute.  We didn’t need to know about every lost secret from World War II or Vietnam.  Nor do I think we still need to learn those things.  I’m sure that the people involved are long gone and there is nothing really to do about those things.  If Hitler had a secret pack of wolves that he was training to become super soldiers, that could be left out of the history books.

When I first heard of this Wikileaks story, I only saw that they were releasing stories about soldiers and mistreating of officers in the armed forces, which sounds boring (sorry Troops).  But now it’s involving governments and finding out there is nothing that can’t be uncovered. 

What does interest me is how most of the banks and businesses that run this world are going all against Assange and his crew of hackers and such.  I didn’t think that there would be this kind of debacle in the modern world.  Like it’s out of a Crichton/Brown/Grisham/Stephenson book and the plot is unknown.  No doubt that Assange is going to be on a bunch of countries hit-list.  I think he would be a sure thing for a death-pool, but that makes me think that it’s almost too good of a bet.  Like countries don’t want to make a martyr out of him. 

On Twitter, the Wikileaks site, which I do follow just to stay interested in this thing, says that people shouldn’t have their money in Bank of America.  I don’t know whether that is a threat or just because hardly any bank is going to let funds transfer to Wikileaks.  I feel like this is something that should’ve been covered in an episode of West Wing and there is some sort of diplomatic thing to do.  But to be honest, I think this Wikileaks thing is one of the more compelling stories just because it involves government’s hiding information from its citizens.  I mean, if Wikileaks uncovers a story like How Kennedy was Killed, or What We Didn’t know about 9/11 or something like that.  If Assange is smart, which seems to be the case, he won’t be stupid in his travels, and he’ll find out whatever he wants to find out.

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