Monday, November 1, 2010

The William Howard Taft Memorial Weight Loss Challenge! Let’s Get It On!

So, a bunch of friends and I are putting some money up to compete each other at a weight loss challenge.  Kevin Edelson, James Bucknam and I are some of the competitors and we’ve decided to put our money where are mouths are and put that McDonald’s in the garbage. 


Hopefully we can all get on a strict regiment of healthy food in this day of working weird hours and eating shitty food.  I know I’ve lost some weight since leaving college, and surprisingly kept it off too.  I mean, I eat more dogshit-like food than anyone else I know.  Just imagine what would happen if I ate healthy food and kept at the gym.  The results could be amazing!  That’s a great thought.

I considered trying out the P90X program, but I don’t think I have the time or skillset to do the eating/dieting portion of that program.  I could try the workout exercises and just eat healthier and hope for success.  But let it be known that Mark Robert Sheehan will be entering the Williams Howard Taft Memorial Weight Loss Challenge.  If you know Kevin Edelson and are curious into the weight loss challenge, then Facebook him and find out how to enter.  $25 a head.  Starts next Monday. 

1 comment:

  1. Actually, if you ate healthy food and exercise regularly at home or outside. It will be a good enough. Go to gym is not necessarily for it cost you money. Its silly to go to GYM unless you want to have a body building or join for a tournament or competitive. Many people went to gym just for social and nosy and eyes to eyes and show off. That's why. I had been there. No more. I exercise regularly at home and eats healthy as much as I can. That's simple. Sorry about my English.
