Thursday, June 20, 2013

Student Loans and a bullshit Education system

So in the last 3 years, basically since I left the education system in this country, the vast majority of people in the United States have noticed that Student Loans are a bigger problem than people originally thought.  Anyone that graduated around the year 2000 figured out that they were paying down their student loans for over 10 years.  Now, when you graduate from college, your creditors usually give you about 10 years to pay off the loans.

Think about that.

If they average person graduating from college was given 10 years to pay off something, they are about to turn 33 when they pay off their 4 year education.  10 years of earnings to pay off 4 years of learnings.  What is wrong with this picture?

This graph above shows that the education system has ousted Capital One, Mastercard, Chase, Visa, AMEX, and every other credit card company for being the burden on a 20-something's earning potential.  Now, what's interesting is that I was starting a job right around the time that these two lines crossed.  It's as if upon entering the workforce, everyone in the "adult" world woke up and figured out that anyone who graduated college or was graduating college in the coming years would be overpaying for the same education that was given in years prior.

This graph above is a graph that I remember seeing in my college class titled "Work, Jobs, and Income".  Surprisingly, none of those things actually get better after taking this class.  It was sort of like a cooking class where instead of cooking food, you'd look at the dirty dishes leftover from years ago and examined what was causing the fungus to grow so fast.  Now, what this graph doesn't show is that even though the high school graduate earns less over time from the college graduate, it does not factor in the costs of college.

Consider the fact, that college loans MUST be repaid.  They are never forgiven and must be paid back.  Suddenly, that blue line dips below the $0 barrier and puts you anywhere from $-15,000 in debt to $-200,000 in debt.  Now, I've heard sadistic stories of what kids are now paying for a college degree.  The fact that people are paying TWICE WHAT I EARN IN A YEAR is disgusting.  What's also disgusting is that more and more jobs are demanding a college degree that used to not require a college degree, thus forcing a vast majority of our future money-makers (aka kids) into getting these loans.

This graph above illustrates that there are even further financial benefits to getting a Bachelor's degree other than an Associate's degree.

If you are the kind of person that thinks, "well I'll just rise above the rest and get a Doctorate, an MBA, or a JD, or some other advanced degree, I have a task for you.  Step 1 is Go to or for all you Bingers out there.  Step 2 is type into a search bar "Is An MBA" and look what comes up...

Now any idiot can tell you that an MBA is hard.  But what's shocking about all of this is that it's all brand new!  If you picked up a pamphlet that said "Is An MBA Right For You?" at a university, I would advise that you check the date at which it was printed.  MBA's are graduating and they're degrees aren't paying the same dividends that an MBA would pay 10 years ago.  So if you were to ask me, "Hey Mark, what do you think about getting an MBA?" I was say No, it isn't worth it.  I won't get into a top school.  I'd probably end up dropping out and wasting money.  Plus if everyone gets an MBA, won't I need to have something else that they don't have to be competitive?

There is one semi-solution to this overpaying for college degrees and advanced learning: STEAL IT!  Or find a way to learn for Free-Thousand dollars.  Khan Academy.  Codecademy.  The Library and $10 for late fees.  iTunes U.  I just listed 4 major learning portals that are pennies compared to a university's bill.  The picture above is Khan Academy creator Salman Khan.  I've been to the website and it's awesome that this exists.  Theories drawn out, explained in 10 minute videos, with little to no distractions.  Children are learning from Khan Academy at a young age.  Want to hear FREE lectures from Top tier Universities?  iTunes U.  Want to learn some software? (it requires a subscription)  Want to learn how to build some apps for your iPhone and do coding for computers?  Codecademy.  Guess what?  ALL OF THOSE THINGS CAN MAKE YOU SMARTER AND RICHER!  I really wish I was wearing a suit with question marks all over it while yelling that.

After that tirade I feel like Will Hunting when he's arguing about Gordon Wood with the long-haired guy.

I hope you enjoyed.  Now if you excuse me, I have to go earn some money to pay down some debt.

1 comment:

  1. Had a wonderful insight reading this article on Education Loan. If you want to have more such insights and in dept information than you can continue to - Higher Education Loan
