Monday, March 18, 2013

Welcome to Fat Guy in a Little World!

Well I decided to go back to writing a blog again.  This time I'm hoping I'm going to be a little better at it than previously.  I'd prefer that newer readers just read the new blogs instead of backtracking and wondering what went on here.  So, I've decided to write about normal guy stuff.  Relationships or lack there of, Food, Health, Movies, Books, Music, Sports, maybe every now and then I'll post a video or make a comment on a video or some internet meme.  I don't intend on becoming anything like Art of Manliness or Mr. Moneymustache.

So, why is this blog called Fat Guy in a Little World?  Because 1) no one took the blog name, 2) the domain name wasn't take either 3) I am a kinda sorta fat guy in a little world and most importantly 4) I just like Chris Farley.  So come on in, have a read and don't be afraid to comment and share.

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