Thursday, January 12, 2012

“Hey Remember this?”…My new segment

This is a new segment that I will be adding to the repertoire of blogging topics that I will be incorporating with television and not having cable.  Youtube will be very handy in this kind of thing.  The first “Hey remember this?” is dedicated to one of the long lost cartoons that was pretty much a rip-off of the Transformers series and never really panned out, although I can totally see it being rebooted and made in 4 Michael Bay movies in the next couple of years.  M.A.S.K. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand) was a show with transforming automobiles driven by men who were pretty much G.I. Joes.  Two things before I move one: 1. That’s badass 2. That’s pretty much the exact sentence from wikipedia on this cartoon’s description.  Now, M.A.S.K. fought off V.E.N.O.M. (Viciosu Evil Network of Mayhem), only proving my theory that the best bad guys come from acronym networks.  I don’t think there is anything in Hollywood going on that would suggest this can or would be remade.  But now that G.I.Joe is getting a movie sequel and Transformers 4 was just released, I don’t see how something like this can go unnoticed with the fan-boy culture of 80’s things being remade over and over and over.  This clip is from a two part season premiere, which is a great way to hook in an audience that will one day have a dying love for Mountain Dew, Nintendo, and be growing up in front of screens.  Enjoy!

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