Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Time for some Nostalgia: Toys and Games

There comes a time in every Internet user's life that they see something that rings of nostalgia.  Sometimes it happens too often.  I know I've seen so many things on my Facebook feed that are all about 90's kids or 80's kids or something like that.  Well, now it's my turn.  Here are some pictures of toys and games that I probably had and regret not spending more time with:

Creepy Crawlers - I love this idea of making your own toys and fun.  Plus the excitement on the kids face is priceless.

Pogs - I don't remember ever playing a single game of Pogs, but I do remember collecting them and being very close to buying a make your own pog stamp.

Easy-Bake Oven - Pretty much make your own food kind of toy.  It turned out to be a 150 watt lightbulb encased in plastic to heat up some bland-tasting totally awesome stuff.

Button/Badge maker - I never owned one, but I remember someone had one when I was younger.

Tiger Electronics - I remember being enchanted by these kinds of things.  If your parent wanted you to stay quiet, they'd give you one of these.  Just sit in a corner and play Power Rangers Tiger Toys for hours before dinner.

Walkie Talkies - These, along with the aspect of kids going outside and running around having fun in the neighborhood, have disappeared.  No longer are kids running into the woods and thinking that they are spies and doing cool stuff and connecting with each other down the road with a battery operated walkie-talkie.

Super Soakers/Anything that will lead to a Waterban - I now understand the reason for a Water-ban.   I don't care, all that fun was well worth the wasted water.

Polly Pocket - I know some girl in my neighborhood had these.

13 Dead End Drive - I remember games like this, where you set it up forever, and then finally decide to play and then realize that you have no idea what to do or the directions to the game are too long and then you want to go outside and play.

Bumble Ball - Anyone who had a younger sibling born in the 90's, probably had this thing moving around the floor of their living room.

Pound Puppies - Who doesn't love a cute dog.

Talkboy - Made popular by Home Alone, this recording device was just the coolest thing to see around people's houses.  Recording sayings and having them go in slow motion was just so cool.

Socker Boppers - Pounding your friend in the head with inflated plastic was so much fun.

Shout N Shoot - Back to the outdoor water games, this was created out of the idea of being sneaky, but then yelling "fire!" and hoping that the water will get them before you get soaked.

One of my final thoughts about all this outdoor water fun was the moment when everyone was out of water and then you'd have to refill all your tanks and then start all over.

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