Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 6: Zodiac Talk - What it Means and What it Feels like

Being born in August means something.  It means I'm a Leo.  Being a Leo usually means that a person is the king of their domain, much like how a Lion is the King of the Jungle.  I'm going to include a large segment of the information from

These folks are impossible to miss, since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. The fact that these folks are also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else. It's quite common to see a Leo on stage or in Hollywood, since these folks never shy away from the limelight. They are also supremely talented and have a flair for the dramatic.  They may ruffle a few feathers along the way, however, since they can also be overbearing and somewhat autocratic. This may be in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this sign -- Lions are indeed opinionated and set in their ways. That said, they are well organized, idealistic and have a knack for inspiring others.  The element associated with Leo is Fire. Everything about the Lion's personality is hot, hot, hot. Those born under this sign are fearless and strong, which may be why Lions plunge in headfirst and let the chips fall where they may. Thankfully, Leos are dignified enough not to commit too many pratfalls(Had to Google this to find out it's falling down on your ass). It's the Lion's unswerving courage that wins so many folks over. If you need someone to lead the charge, call a Leo -- and the bigger the project, the better, since these folks love an expansive stage (and the audience that comes with it). While some would take to calling Lions status-conscious, these folks are truly warmhearted and want everyone to be happy. Hey, it's their kingdom, and happy campers make for a perfect peace. Further, it's the great gift of the Leo-born to be dynamic, forward-thinking and self-confident.  Come play time, Leos are at their best. Lions are also a natural at the gym, where they can show their stuff to a crowd. When the lights are low, the essential Lion comes to the fore, since this beast is 90 percent fun and 100 percent romantic. The Leo lover is devoted, creative and almost too hot to handle!(Yeah We are!) Since Leo rules the heart and back, however, overzealous Lions may have to take a deep breath and slow down a bit. The great strengths of the Leo-born are their creativity, idealism and leadership. Lions don't lack for ambition, either, so they're likely to accomplish a lot -- and have fun while they're at it. 

Now, I can agree with some of this.  For me personally, I don't necessarily think about the idea of making a great first impression, I just hope that the first impression isn't a bad one.  I do feel very creative, but I just don't know in what ways I can express my creativity through the job market.  The jobs that my degree ask for usually are boring as hell and have no real creative nature.

I can definitely relate to being a leader.  When my friends and I go out, they usually wait on my (and my other Leo friends) opinion as to where to go to hang out.  I do believe that I can be ambitious and headstrong.  I just find myself sometimes being a little shy sometimes.   I don't know if being a Leo conflicts with being a sometimes emotionally exhausted middle child.  It might explain a lot and knowing that might help me strive to feel more like a Leo than middle child.

Fearlessness and inspiring are kind of iffy.  I don't know exactly when or at what times I've been inspiring of others, but I can remember some times when I was fearless.  I have been known to offer ideas to many people who ask for help, but some of my friends seldom ask for such things.  It's not enough to a problem solver, I guess you have to time and time again offer to help people more than they realize that you are helping them.

Self-confident, forward thinking, and dynamic.  I would say Yes to the latter two, and iffy on the first one.  I try to find more self-confidence in my life, but I sometimes feel helpless, which is very uncharacteristic of me. I tend to be more of a homebody when it comes to self-confidence.  I am forward-thinking, which makes me think about what I'm about to do when I'm trying to feel self-confident with women.  Dynamic is an absolute feeling I have.  I am always thinking critically about things and trying to accomplish more and more.  I don't always feel that some of my

I do think that there is some truth to being a passionate lover.  It says we are "hot, hot, hot".  I don't think I need to comment on that, but we Leo's are a passionate type.  The overzealous part can pop up every now and then and we can feel the need to shift gears in relationships.  It's not always pleasing with both parties, but we are what we are.

Lastly, I don't think I would want to be a different sign under the Zodiac.  Leo's are very much the kings of their domain, and I wouldn't want to be anything else.

This image below is the star constellation of Leo.  I find things like this very interesting.  Our ancestors what made the zodiac were so observant and seemed much smarter than I think we feel today.

I will be posting again today since I missed out on yesterday's post and I'm running a bit late.  The ab crunch 30 day challenge is coming along swimmingly.  Today is Day 7 for me and I need to do 50 crunches.  Let's hope all these crunches render some slicker abs.

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