Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 3 - Top 5 Pet Peeves

Sorry for the late post, but I've been busy.

So in this third edition of the 30 day blog post challenge: I am to blog about my top 5 pet peeves.  This is assuming I can cut my list down from infinity to 5.  I have many problems with many things.  I don't know exactly which ones I would rank near the top.  Although, I'm guessing that a Pet Peeve is a just a small problem that goes from a bug-bite to an infestation of hives over time, while never being really cured.  I won't put these in any order, but I will try to list 5.

One thing that continuously irritates me is when a company or brand comes out and releases something that they think is so fresh and so new, but when it's brought out to the public, it's a piece of crap idea.  Netflix's Qwikster idea comes to mind.  So does Google Glass and Google Driver.  My friend and I figured out that if no one has to drive a car for a person, that person can go drive around with both hands free.  Meaning that if a pedophile wanted to stay within the speed limits of a school zone and just masturbate in a car while the car drives itself, we've created a bigger problem than needed.  The Google Glass problem is that now we get to see what it's like for a person to see what they are doing.  Now imagine if a porn star got a hold of Google Glass and decided to have a guy finish on said glasses.  Congrats on making a new POV-style of porn Google.  Oh and Google Driver?  Thank you for creating a way for pedophiles to enjoy school zones and for creating a new idea for movie: when two computer driven cars collide, killing everyone.

My second pet peeve is when a parent or an elder hears your warning about something, and is totally shocked when that thing actually happens.  I don't know if this just happens to me, but I get it a lot.  A parent will HEAR you warn about something, and when that thing actually happens, it's a total shock to them.  Maybe it means that my parents don't listen to me.  But I know that it happens with other people too.

My third pet peeve is when women get the false notion that guys want something other than what we've always wanted.  Ladies, when a guy looks at you, he's not looking at your nails, or your earrings, or your bracelets, or anything else that you've burned calories thinking about.  There was a time when a lot of girls dyed their blonde hair jet black and caked on the bronzer.  You know, to look like Kim Kardashian.  Well Kim K is really known for having a huge ass first and foremost.  We do not like her because she has tanned skin and black hair.  We like her because of her giant round tanned ass.

My fourth pet peeve is when you go out to a friend's and if there isn't music blaring all the time, then there is something wrong with the scene.  I enjoy conversations and also enjoy when there is that moment when everyone stops talking simultaneously.  This next part can go in 4-b: when one person is hell-bent on controlling the ipod or music throughout the whole party.  Whoever's house it is you are at, should control the music.  If they have an ipod dock, figure out who has the best playlists and let that person and ONLY that person control the music.  I can't stand when I see 8 ipods near one iDock and everyone jumps in to play one or two songs leading to discussions like "Your music sucks" "No you suck" "F*** you" "Eat sh**", etc.

My fifth and final pet peeve, which will probably be a crime in the future first world: when a person working at a coffee place gets a coffee order wrong.  The way I see it, when a coffee person, who may or may not have full citizenship in the USA, gets a coffee order wrong, it creates a ripple effect for at least one person.  Now, since I live in Mass., Dunkin Donuts has this thing on lockdown in terms of drive-thru and whatnot.  Most people around here get Dunkin Donuts and McDonald's coffee.  Which is funny when you look at it; you might have trouble figuring out whose breakfast sandwiches are more disgusting.  Now it doesn't take a genius to realize that the person working the drive-thru or in the back at a Dunkin Donuts might be from a different country and may not get the order exactly how you wanted it.  Usually when this happens, it makes a person's morning difficult and they get upset for the whole day.  In the future, when productivity is so important for a person's job, the culprit for most slumps and firings will be blamed on breakfasts and coffee orders.  What a day that would be.

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