Thursday, May 30, 2013

2013 Summer Movies I (for the most part) Plan on Seeing....

Movies!  I love talking movies.  I love talking about how they were made, who was in what, who directed what, if there are homages to other movies, I love it all.

Fast 6 - SAW IT AND LOVED IT - It was awesome and it was everything that I expected it to be.  Can't wait for Fast 7, which has been announced and will star a certain bad guy that makes for great bad guys.

This is the End - Cannot wait to see this.  Everyone of my favorite comedy actors in the last 10 years (James Franco, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Aziz Ansari, Michael Cera, Craig Robinson, Danny McBride,  etc) is in the movie.  It looks great and I can't wait to spend time to watch it.

The World's End - Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and director Edgar Wright.  They make nothing but gold.  Shaun of the Dead was amazing.  Hot Fuzz was amazing.  There is a 100% chance that this is amazing.  The British do so much better than Americans in comedy.  They really do.

The Internship - Kind of skeptical about this.  I loved Wedding Crashers.  But it's now like these two are getting jobs as Google Interns instead of crashing weddings.  I don't know if old men humor works on guys that seem like they are in their 30's.

Much Ado About Nothing - I'm only interested in this because I think that Joss Whedon can make anything work after seeing Cabin In the Woods and The Avengers.  I mean, come on.  Joss Whedon anything is just awesome.

Rapture-Palooza - Another "apocalomedy" where comedians are taking over the end of the world.  Craig Robinson is also in this one.  I think the trailer looked funny, but it might not be for everyone.  But Anna Kendrick is amazing.  So I'll see it.

The Man of Steel - This is the comic book movie of the year and it hasn't even come out yet.  I'm very skeptical of this mainly because I'm not sure about Zach Snyder, I'm not sure about Chris Nolan producing, and I just don't seem to be in love with Superman like everyone else is.

World War Z - Probably the most overplayed trailer in movies.  I didn't read the book, but I'm guessing that people who did will love this endlessly.  If I do end up seeing this, I hope that the CGI isn't as telling as it is in the trailer.

White House Down - There was a movie exactly like this out earlier this year, so I'm not seeing it.

The Heat - Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy playing buddy cops.  I think that's all we need to know.

Despicable Me 2 - I laughed several times during this trailer.  I didn't see the first one, but that's because I didn't know anything about it.  Kristen Wiig and Steve Carell in cartoon voices.  I loved the trailers.

The Way, Way Back - Steve Carell again.  This time about a kid who is on vacation with his family.  Could be interesting.  Haven't seen the trailer, but I have heard many good things about this.

Pacific Rim - I think this is going be like a real life version of Voltron, except that something has gone wrong on Earth, not in space.  Imagine if our governments had used this much money to make things that were available to do this.  I don't know what to think

R.I.P.D. - Men in Black, but with dead people instead of Aliens.  That was definitely the pitch for this movie to get made.

Only God Forgives - Ryan Gosling and the Drive director return to make this movie about a fighter.  Or something like that.  Haven't heard too much other than it's Gosling and the Drive director again.

The To-Do List - Aubrey Plaza is hipster-gold right now.  Plus if it's her doing a bunch of sex stuff, then it's totally going to win whatever weekend it comes out on.  Chris Bosh might see it too (twitter joke).

Elysium - Jason Bourne has a robotic body and takes on Paradise.  That was the pitch for this movie.  I love the idea of this movie and I can't wait for Damon to make it awesome.

We're The Millers - Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston are back at it again making a film, in which Aniston is playing a stripper and that's all I know.

Kick-Ass 2 - I loved the first one.  Chloe Grace Moretz was hilarious as a foul mouthed 13 year old.  Christopher Mintz Plasse is awesome as well.  Can't wait to see the sequel of this comic book sequel.

Drinking Buddies - Olivia Wilde, Jake Johnson, Anna Kendrick (swoons).  Sounds like a solid indie comedy that I hope gets it's due.  I like the people in this movie.  I couldn't find a trailer, so the only video I could find is of Anna K.

Machete Kills - Another awesome sequel.  Danny Trejo with Knives is the best thing ever.  Rob Rod is a great director.  Some may not like the cliche violence, but that's what you get.

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