Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Planting your Garden...

So me and my neighbors have started planting our gardens.  We set our rows and planted our vegetables.  Being a first time gardener, I just picked up four tomato plants, a green bell pepper plant, a plant of basil, a zucchini plant, and then I started some seeds of Cilantro, Basil, and Mint.

 I started those in pots out back on my porch.  One of the pots I used is a former windshield washer fluid container that I emptied out.  Trust me, I know how clever that seems.  Let's hope that something actually happens and I didn't just ruin a bunch of soil.  I did dump some of the water out from the plastic container since it was a bit overwhelming with water from the night before's rain.  The green pot is Mint and the Yellow pot is Cilantro.

Up close are some of the tomato plants, basil, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers and other things that we planted.  We put down landscaping tarp so that weeds won't get through.  It helps.  But alas, we've been keeping it in the ground with metal spokes, but we've run out and had to use rocks and dirt instead.  

This is the final row that I've done as of today.  It's mostly peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, and I think the last plant at the end is either blueberries or something else.  There are also beans somewhere, but I don't know.  We haven't done a good job of making sure what's what.  We're just planting.   The tomato plant in the foreground does have a pot in it, but it will dissolve.  Which helps with the process.

This is the first row of the opposite side of the garden.  We have flowers, tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, and just a lot of other things that aren't really mine.  My neighbors are really loving this and I'm just getting used to being a first timer and paying attention to certain things.  

Looking down from above, you can see how we laid out the plants and lined them up.  I initially didn't have any plants, so I went to Home Depot and got some.  The plants (starting on the left go as follows): some flowers that my neighbor's girlfriend planted, tomato plants, bell peppers and raspberries are around the metal pole, then lettuce, then cucumbers, squash, some zucchini, blueberries, habanero peppers, strawberries, then my tomato plants, some basil, more peppers, zucchini, and more cucumbers.  Should make for an awesome harvest.  

My neighbor bought the things that surround the plants to grow tall.  I forget what they are called, but I'm just used to putting a stick in the ground next to plants so that they grow alongside the stick instead of falling over when they get hit by wind.  

Some things that we need to do for the future is put up some posts and chicken wire, to keep animals out.  Consistently water and upkeep the garden, and just let mother nature do the rest of the work.  I don't know too much about weather and what we need to worry about, but we get plenty of sunlight in this area.  

Also, now that I'm finding myself more and more useful around the house with other things, I need to find things to do with empty bottles and containers.  I have an empty Hot Sauce bottle, and I just can't seem to find anything to do with it other than put homemade hot sauce in it.  That'll be one of my next projects.  

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