Thursday, May 23, 2013

Starting a Garden. Things you need to know.

Gardening can yield so many things.  Besides the vegetables and fruits, you can learn so many things about soil, vegetation, techniques, fertilizer, timing, and just basic life skills.  From the photo below, you can see that I, along with my neighbors, decided to get the garden that once was back in business.  My grandmother used to grow lots of tomatoes, zucchini, squash, herbs, peppers.  After she passed away, no one really took over the gardening duties.  Now that I've been in her apartment, I decided to make use out of the space since someone that knows something about gardening moved in.

I love the idea of growing my own food in my backyard.  I know that people think, well, what's a tomato cost, $1?  Come on!  Just buy them at the store.  Well, to be honest, I think it's the home-grown tomatoes that actually make the best sauce, the best salsa, and the best salads.  I know the few readers I get each day, this may not seem up their alley.

They don't have time.  They don't have space.  They don't know what to do.  They are clueless.  I am right in that crowd.  So, I ask.  I asked my neighbor since he had some ideas about what to do.  I asked the guys at Ace Hardware what to do after I turn over the soil (that means dig up the grass and shake out the dirt).  I find out that if you are starting your garden in mid-April/May, you should go down to Home Depot and grab some already started plants.  I grabbed 4 tomato plants, a cilantro, a basil, a zucchini, and a green bell pepper.  I also have started some Mint and some Parsley to put into the ground later on.

I must say, that I cannot wait to yield some of the delicious food from the ground.  Imagine if more people knew how to garden instead of just buy stuff from the grocery store.  It's one of those things that's slowly dying out because some people don't want to put in the effort.  But I have a feeling that there will be a hipster surge in gardening.  It's an uncool thing to do, therefore, hipsters will learn to garden, thus bringing it back for a short while.  I may have just outed myself as a hipster.

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